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CM International Soccer Overnight and Day camps are open to registration for all U7 - U18 players. We are celebrating our 16th year in 2025 and are pleased to announce that we will be hosting multiple camps in 2025 to accommodate increased demand.


Residential/Overnight Camp -  $795
Senior Day Camp - (8:30AM - 8:OOPM) - $600    

Junior Day Camper- (8:30AM - 4:OOPM) - $425 

Registration Instructions:
  • Click on the Registration button on the camp you intend to attend and fill out the online form.

  • You will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions to complete your registration within 48 hours. 

  • Print and email a copy of the medical waiver.

  • Payment plan available upon request.

JULY 6 -10 Senior and Intermediate OVERNIGHT & DAY CAMP

Senior and Intermediate Overnight Camp open to U11 - 18 Boys and Girls (rising 6th-12th graders)

JULY 20-24 Senior and Intermediate OVERNIGHT & DAY CAMP

Senior and Intermediate Overnight Camp gerared to prepare players for the demands of the Fall Season. Opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to be guarded and educated about the college recruiting and application process.


What kind of camper is a good fit for CM International Soccer Camp?

Our various camps are catered to soccer players of different levels beginning with our Future stars  full day  camp to our Intermediate and Senior overnight and day camps.Our Overnight camps are  for the committed soccer player entering 6th through 12th grade who wants to further develop his or her game.

Is there a day option available for campers?

Yes, while most (95%) of our campers choose to be overnight campers and stay in the dorms to experience the full benefits of the camp, a day camper option is also available. Many campers who have signed up to participate as day campers have changed their minds on day #2 of camp and have requested to switch to the overnight camp because they see the others having so much fun! This is an option only if we have vacant dorm beds available. If you wish to speak to a former camper or camp family who can help you make your decision, we can connect you to someone who can answer your questions. ​


What is the focus of the soccer instruction?

Instruction is focused on individual (technical) and small-sided (tactical) development. Instructors employ modern trends of soccer development, while at the same time using the time-tested instructional methodology of "street soccer" (small-sided, highly competitive games). We also have speed, strength and agility training fused into the program to make sure the athletes develop their physical aspect as required by the game.

Is goalkeeper training available?

Yes, we offer goalkeeper-specific training sessions for all committed goalkeepers, as well as game and scrimmage opportunities in the goal. Goalkeeper sessions are run by national and international level goalkeeper coach(es). All goalkeepers should bring goalie gloves and wear their GK shorts and shorts and identify themselves as wanting GK training on the on-line registration form. 

What activities are offered besides soccer?

We combine a high-level of soccer-specific training with other games and summer activities to keep things fun as well as challenging. Other activities may include frisbee, volleyball, basketball, obstacle course competitions, our famous group dance competition, and various other group games. In the evenings we have a movie and popcorn night, a few inspirational and informative talks and lectures, and of course we watch and analyze professional fixtures.

What does a typical daily schedule look like?

Wake Up • 7:00 am

Breakfast/Day Camper Arrival • 7:30 am-8:30 am

Main  Session • 9:30-11:30 am

Lunch • 11:30-12:30 pm

Rest Period • 12:30-2:30 pm

Technical Session/Games • 2:30-4:00 pm

Seminars • 4:00-4:45 pm

Dinner • 5:00-6:00 pm

Evening Games • 6:30-8:00 pm

Day campers picked up at 8:15 pm at designated meeting spot

Free Time in Dorms • 8:15-10:00 pm

In Rooms • 10:00 pm

Lights Out • 10:30 pm

What about meals and special dietary needs?

Hot meals are provided three times daily. The kitchen is peanut free. If a camper has other special food needs or restrictions or food allergies, please inform us on the online registration form. Lunch and dinner is included in the fee for day campers. If a day camper wishes to join the boarding campers for breakfast you can make arrangements through Camp Director.

Where do overnight boarding campers sleep?

Boarding campers sleep in dormitories. Genders are segregated into different dorms. We also separate campers by age as much as possible (we aim to arrange the floors by age proximity). Each dorm has a different room layout, and campers may be assigned to single rooms, doubles, triples and occasionally to quads.


Can we make a roommate request?

Yes, you may make a roommate request(s) on the online registration form, but please make sure you are in agreement with your rooming partner(s) first, so you both request each other (reciprocal requests are very important when we process rooming assignments). Most of the dorm rooms are singles and doubles; there are a very limited number of triples, and few quads as well.


Who monitors the children in the dorms?

There are camp counselors (same gender as campers) for each floor of the dormitory who stay in the dorm with the campers. A senior staff member also stays in each dorm and is the dorm manager.

What is the ratio of counselors to campers?

We maintain a 1:6 ratio of counselors to campers for the overnight portion of our camp, and a 1:8 ratio when day campers are included.

How does the camp recruit, screen and train its staff?

Our staff is a combination of senior coaches with international, professional, World Cup, and collegiate soccer backgrounds, and our junior staff coaches have collegiate, travel club and varsity high school backgrounds. Counselors are recruited based upon three primary criteria: their ability to demonstrate the game at a high level, their friendly and outgoing attitudes, and a proven track-record of success in working with younger players. All coaches have background checks through a national background check system. Camp counselors are overseen in all camp activities by the camp director and senior coaching staff (who remain on site).


What medical staff work at the camp and what backup facilities are nearby?

We have a certified Athletic Trainer on our camp staff who works with our campers with regards to sprains, strains, pulled muscles, etc., and who can oversee required medical routines and medications of our campers, and handle any emergency situations. Campers needing additional medical attention beyond the scope of what can be offered on site will be referred to a nearby medical center/hospital. 

What about phones and other technology?

Due to the increased use of electronic devices by campers over the last few years, we are strongly discouraging the presence and use of cell phones, iPads, computers, video game devices, iPods, etc. while at camp. Camp is a great opportunity for your son/daughter to disconnect for a few days and meet and socialize with new friends and enjoy the full camp experience. If campers absolutely require a cell phone, they may bring it, but it should be used as little as possible (by necessity only). For boarding campers, all technology devices must be kept in dorm rooms and can only be used between 7am and 9am and then again from 8:15pm to 10:30pm. Lights out is at 10:30pm and all technology devices must be turned off and put away in a drawer or suitcase/bag at this time. Day campers can keep their phones in their day packs, but devices should only be used by necessity, to coordinate transportation with parents, for example. Inappropriate and unauthorized/unnecessary use of cell phones or other technology devices will cause the confiscation of the device until the end of camp.

How do we stay in touch with our child?

At check-in parents are provided with multiple contact numbers and email addresses for camp staff so that they can reach them or their child during the camp if needed. If a camper needs to reach a parent, camp counselors or the director will assist him or her. Counselors and senior staff have cell phones that can be used by campers to call and/or text a parent if needed.

When can parents visit?

Parents can visit camp at any time, but we encourage you to let your child enjoy the challenges and fun of camp without a parent on site every day. We suggest parents drop their child off on Day 1, help him/her settle into his/her room and then say their goodbyes. We welcome parents back on the final day for the hour preceding pick-up when campers are engaged in the final games.

How does the camp handle homesickness?

We find that about 3 minutes after a parent leaves, so does the homesickness! In the event that a camper continues to have difficulties, we will contact the parent(s) and work out a mutually agreeable plan to address it. Parents are welcome to call or email camp staff any time to check in regarding how their child is doing.

What is the camp's approach to discipline?

The camp is small and extremely fun and friendly in its tone, and we have never had a serious discipline issue in the past. However, counselors are instructed to be on the lookout for any unfair, bullying or unsportsmanlike conduct on or off the field. They are trained to intervene and stop the behavior and bring it to the immediate attention the Camp Director or senior staff.

Will the camp be transporting the children?

No, all the activities of the camp are held on site, so there is no need to leave campus.

What is the cost of the 2025 CM International Soccer Camp?


Early Bird Price (must be registered online and paid in full by June 1, 2025):

  • Overnight Camp - $795 

  • Day Camp - $600 


After June 1, 2025 Price:

  • Overnight Camp - $825

  • Day Camp - $625


Please register for camp online and you will receive a confirmation email with payment instructions.

Are there discounts or scholarship available for this camp?

Unfortunately, there are no discounts (other than the Early Bird discount) or scholarship funds available for this camp. We can help, however, by accepting the camp fee in 2 installment payments (half of the fee is required at the time of registration) if you are unable to make one full payment. If you intend to make installments payments, please make sure that you indicate this on the online registration form when you register. Please note that eligibility for the early bird discount price requires full payment by June 1. If you elect to pay

in 2 installments, be sure to pay the second payment by June 1 to remain eligible for the early bird discount.

Is there a refund/withdrawal policy?

After you have submitted payment, requests for refunds will be treated as foll

  • Withdrawal up-to 7 days  before camp start date due to certified medical = %50 refund

  • Withdrawal 14 days or more before camp start for any reason other than certified medical = 50% refund.

  • Withdrawal 13 days or fewer before camp start date for any reason other than certified medical = no refund.

What is the arrival/departure time for overnight boarding campers?

On Arrival Day, boarding campers should arrive for check-in between 1-2 pm, having already eaten lunch. They will pick up their camp t-shirts and then head up to their dorm rooms and unpack. The first soccer session will begin at 3 pm.


On Departure Day, parents should arrive for the 11am for the closing ceremonies, after which they head to the dorms to help the campers clear out of their dorm rooms. Parents should arrive a little earlier than 11 if they wish to watch any of the final games. There is no lunch served on Departure Day.

What is the arrival/departure time for day campers?

On Arrival Day, day campers should arrive for check-in between 2:15 and 2:30 pm and be ready to play soccer at 3 pm. On the other days, day campers should arrive at 9:15 am for the first soccer session at 9:30 am. If needed, earlier arrival can be arranged with the Camp Director.


On Sunday through Wednesday evenings, day campers should be picked up after the final activity of the day at 8:15 pm.


On Departure Day (Thurs), parents should arrive for the 11am closing ceremonies, earlier if they wish to watch some of the final games. There is no lunch served on Departure Day. 

What should campers pack?

Campers should pack broken-in cleats (not brand new unworn cleats!), a back-up pair if they have them, shin guards, sneakers for volleyball, basketball, etc. and slides or flip flops. Campers will receive their gray camp t-shirts at check-in on the first day. Please pack plenty of black shorts, many pairs of black soccer socks (most campers go through 3 pairs in a day!), and extra gray t-shirts. Please do NOT send a soccer ball with your camper. Balls will be provided. A more detailed packing list and general information letter will be issued in the month prior to camp.

What is the "World Cup Dance Off"?

This is a fun-filled night of friendly competition between the campers' assigned World Cup teams (everyone is assigned to a team at the start of camp) which takes place midway through camp. Please bring funny hats, costumes, feather boas, or anything else you thing might be fun to wear for a silly skit. 

Is there a camp store for snacks?

Yes. Our counselors run a snack store in the evenings stocked with snacks and drinks provided at a minimal cost (power drinks, granola bars, etc.) They also organize pizza orders for those who find they need a second dinner! You can put money into your camper’s store account at the beginning of the week. Suggested amount is $50.

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